Do you want to improve your health and vitality in just 5 days?  🍃 I challenge you with an easy 5 Day Detox that will help you to get rid off old things, physical and emotional. You will regain a good dose of energy and mental clarity.

What you need :

  • Fresh/organic fruits, vegetables and herbs
  • A juicer (if you don’t have one, then a blender + a nut milk bag)
  • Pure water
  • Epsom Salts (750 gr)
  • Some quiet time (about 15 minutes in the morning and evening) – let your family know in advance.
  • Early bed time (10pm max in bed!)
  • No screens from 8pm, wifi off at night, phone in plane mode, unplug all electric appliances in the bedroom.

Things to do/know before you start :

  • Buy the ingredients from the shopping list in advance.
  • During your 5 day detox, reduce (or avoid if possible) your intake of animal products (dairy, eggs, meat, fish) as well as gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut).
  • Stay away from fried foods, industrial/processed food, coffee, black tea, sugar, alcool and chocolate.
  • If you are a heavy coffee drinker, you may experiment withdrawal symptoms such as headaches. Make sure you keep well hydrated (6-8 glasses of water / herbal tea a day).
  • You will take a hot bath (15 minutes) on day 1, 3 and 5.
  • You will skip dinner on day 2 and day 4 (let your family know and plan either a film/documentary that is uplifting, a good book, a yoga session…


Shopping list :

  • Epsom salts (750 gr)
  • For the morning juices : Organic / locally grown : beetroots, kale, carrots, lemon, sweet potatoes, apples, ginger, celery sticks, pears, cucumber, fresh mint leaves, pomegranate, pineapple, parsley, avocado, fennel.
  • Fresh rosemary, fresh sage
  • For your meals : butternut squash, sweat potatoes, avocados, lettuce, arugula, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, swiss chard, and all ingredients that you can find online on Low GI Diet guides.


1/ Wake up : drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice (1/4 lemon).

Prepare your juice : 3 beetroots, 1 cup kale, 1/4 lemon (rind and pit removed), 3 carrots.

Drink as soon as it’s ready!

2/ Sit comfortably, in a quiet place and focus on your breathing.

Take a deep breath and on a slow expiration, say mentally the following affirmations (one for each expiration):

  • I let go all my negative emotions
  • I let go all my limiting believes
  • I let go all my fears
  • I let go all my doubts
  • I let go all my anxieties

Say the following affirmations out loud :

  • Today I feel calm
  • Today, I feel inspired
  • Today, I feel creative
  • Today, I feel happy
  • Today I feel safe


You can have a light breakfast (fruits, avocado, nuts, seeds, porridge of oats and vegetable milk), half an hour after the juice.



Remember to reduce (or avoid if possible) your intake of animal products (dairy, eggs, meat, fish) as well as gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut). Stay away from fried foods, industrial/processed food, coffee, black tea, sugar, alcool and chocolate.

Favour foods such as : butternut squash, sweat potatoes, avocados, lettuce, arugula, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, swiss chard, etc – get recipes online, looking for Low GI Diet  /Anti inflammatory Diet / Alkaline Diet recipes. Suggestion for your lunch here.

Drink plenty pure/filtered water (see my Instagram post on Alkanatur), as well as rosemary tea (boil a fresh twig of rosemary for 5 minutes, cover and let sit for another 5 minutes). You can add half a teaspoon of honey.



No food and no screens after 8pm.

Take a hot bath (as hot as you can stand – without burning yourself), add 250 gr of Epsom Salts + 250 gr of sea salt (optional).

After 15 minutes, get into a hot towel or bathrobe and rest or read.

Before sleeping, repeat the morning affirmations  (the paper with them should be on your bedside table!).

Lights off at 10:30pm max!

If falling asleep is not immediate, visualize all the moments, people and things that were positive, pleasant, nice along your day, and be grateful for them.


1/ Wake up : drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice (1/4 lemon).

Prepare your juice : 1 sweet potato (orange flesh, about 300 grams), 2 apples (stalk removed), 1 pinch of nutmeg, 1 pitch of cinnamon.

Drink as soon as it’s ready – it is really delicious…

2/ Sit comfortably, in a quiet place and focus on your breathing.

Take a deep breath and on a slow expiration, say mentally the following affirmations (one for each expiration):

  • I release all my tensions
  • I release all the toxins present in my body
  • I release all stuck energy
  • I release all thoughts that hold me back
  • I release all my negative emotions

Say the following affirmations out loud :

  • Today I feel energized
  • Today, I feel enthusiastic
  • Today, I feel balanced
  • Today, I feel connected
  • Today I feel alive


You can have a light breakfast (fruits, avocado, nuts, seeds, porridge of oats and vegetable milk), half an hour after the juice. A suggestion for your breakfast here.

LUNCH & SNACKS (no dinner today!)

Remember to reduce (or avoid if possible) your intake of animal products (dairy, eggs, meat, fish) as well as gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut). Stay away from fried foods, industrial/processed food, coffee, black tea, sugar, alcool and chocolate.

Favour foods such as : butternut squash, beetroots, sweat potatoes, avocados, lettuce, arugula, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, swiss chard, etc – get recipes online, looking for Low GI Diet  /Anti inflammatory Diet / Alkaline Diet recipes.

Lunch suggestion : my coral lentils signature recipe (very simple) : Mix small chunks of fresh ginger, garlic, oignon, leek, carrots with coconut oil, cumin, salt, cilantro, lemongrass under medium heat. Leave until it is tender and golden. Add red lentils (rinse them before), a glass of water, a can of organic coconut milk. Cook for about 20-30 mins stirring from time to time. Remove when it reaches the desired consistency (either soup or thick dish). Add the juice of a lime before serving.

Drink plenty pure/filtered water, as well as rosemary and/or sage tea.


No food and no screens after 6pm, so your last meal is at about 5:30 pm and the next one is the following morning around 8:00am. This will leave time for the body to be in REPAIR mode instead of being in DIGESTION mode. You will wake up refreshed and a lot lighter. And no, you won’t starve (it’s all mental), and it is not dangerous for you unless you are sick, too weak or too skinny.

Before sleeping, repeat the morning affirmations  (the paper with them should be on your bedside table!).

Lights off at 10:30pm max 😀

If falling asleep is not immediate, visualize all the moments, people and things that were positive, pleasant, nice along your day, and be grateful for them.


1/ Wake up : drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice (1/4 lemon).

Prepare your juice : 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 3 celery sticks, 1/2 lemon (rind and pit removed), 10 fresh mint leaves.

Drink as soon as it’s ready – if you pay attention you will feel your cells vibrate…merci chlorophylle, minéraux et vitamines!

2/ Sit comfortably, in a quiet place and focus on your breathing.

Take a deep breath and on a slow expiration, say mentally the following affirmations (one for each expiration):

  • I release the unwanted memories from the past
  • I release any sadness that may be present in me
  • I release any guilt that may be present in me
  • I release my pains and aches
  • I release my insecurities

Say the following affirmations out loud :

  • Today I feel deep joy
  • Today, I feel compassion
  • Today, I feel forgiveness
  • Today, I feel peace
  • Today I feel refreshed


You can have a light breakfast (fruits, avocado, nuts, seeds, porridge of oats and vegetable milk), half an hour after the juice.


Remember to reduce (or avoid if possible) your intake of animal products (dairy, eggs, meat, fish) as well as gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut). Stay away from fried foods, industrial/processed food, coffee, black tea, sugar, alcool and chocolate.

Favour foods such as : butternut squash, sweat potatoes, avocados, lettuce, arugula, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, swiss chard, etc. A suggestion for your lunch here. I love Honestly Healthy recipes.

Drink plenty pure/filtered water, as well as rosemary and/or sage tea.


No food and no screens after 8pm. A suggestion for your dinner here. I add a good splash of whole/brown tahini and pumpkin seeds.

Take a hot bath (as hot as you can stand – without burning yourself), add 250 gr of Epsom Salts + 250 gr of sea salt (optional).

After 15 minutes, get into a hot towel or bathrobe and rest or read.

Before sleeping, repeat the morning affirmations  (the paper with them should be on your bedside table!).

Lights off at 10:30pm max!

If falling asleep is not immediate, visualize all the moments, people and things that were positive, pleasant, nice along your day, and be grateful for them.


1/ Wake up : drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice (1/4 lemon).

Prepare your juice : 1 cucumber, a bunch of parsley leaves, 1 fennel bulb, 1 carrot, 1/2 lemon, 1 cm of ginger.

Drink as soon as it’s ready – if you want, you can add an avocado to this juice (mix it separately, in a blender), and you’ll feel full enough to skip breakfast.

2/ Sit comfortably, in a quiet place and focus on your breathing.

Take a deep breath and on a slow expiration, say mentally the following affirmations (one for each expiration):

  • I release the unwanted memories from the past
  • I release any sadness that may be present in me
  • I release any guilt that may be present in me
  • I release my pains and aches
  • I release my insecurities

Say the following affirmations out loud :

  • Today I feel deep joy
  • Today, I feel compassion
  • Today, I feel forgiveness
  • Today, I feel peace
  • Today I feel refreshed


LUNCH &  SNACKS (no dinner today)

Remember to reduce (or avoid if possible) your intake of animal products (dairy, eggs, meat, fish) as well as gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut). Stay away from fried foods, industrial/processed food, coffee, black tea, sugar, alcool and chocolate.

Favour foods such as : butternut squash, sweat potatoes, avocados, lettuce, arugula, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, swiss chard, etc. A suggestion for your lunch here.

Drink plenty pure/filtered water, as well as rosemary and/or sage tea.


No food and no screens after 6pm, so your last meal is at about 5:30 pm (suggestion here) and the next one is the following morning around 8:00am. This will leave time for the body to be in REPAIR mode instead of being in DIGESTION mode. You will wake up refreshed and a lot lighter. And no, you won’t starve (it’s all mental), and it is not dangerous for you unless you are sick, too weak or too skinny.

Before sleeping, repeat the morning affirmations  (the paper with them should be on your bedside table!).

Lights off at 10:30pm max!

If falling asleep is not immediate, visualize all the moments, people and things that were positive, pleasant, nice along your day, and be grateful for them.


1/ Wake up : drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice (1/4 lemon).

Prepare your juice : 1 pear, 1 pomegranate, 1 cup of pineapple, 1 cm of fresh ginger.

Drink as soon as it’s ready – Last day…the juice is a treat, a bit sweeter with lots of antioxidants, enzymes and digestive help.

2/ Sit comfortably, in a quiet place and focus on your breathing.

Take a deep breath and on a slow expiration, say mentally the following affirmations (one for each expiration):

  • I release grudge
  • I release my anxieties
  • I let go my worries
  • I let go all that needs to go
  • I let go my impatience and frustration

Say the following affirmations out loud :

  • Today I feel motivated
  • Today, I feel purified
  • Today, I feel recharged
  • Today I AM LOVE


You can have a light breakfast (fruits, avocado, nuts, seeds, porridge of oats and vegetable milk), half an hour after the juice.


Remember to reduce (or avoid if possible) your intake of animal products (dairy, eggs, meat, fish) as well as gluten (wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut). Stay away from fried foods, industrial/processed food, coffee, black tea, sugar, alcool and chocolate.

Favour foods such as : butternut squash, sweat potatoes, avocados, lettuce, arugula, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, swiss chard, etc. A suggestion for your lunch here. I love Honestly Healthy recipes.

Drink plenty pure/filtered water, as well as rosemary and/or sage tea.


No food and no screens after 8pm. A suggestion for your dinner here. I add a good splash of whole/brown tahini and pumpkin seeds.

Take a hot bath (as hot as you can stand – without burning yourself), add 250 gr of Epsom Salts + 250 gr of sea salt (optional).

After 15 minutes, get into a hot towel or bathrobe and rest or read.

Before sleeping, repeat the morning affirmations  (the paper with them should be on your bedside table!).

Lights off at 10:30pm max!

If falling asleep is not immediate, visualize all the moments, people and things that were positive, pleasant, nice along your day, and be grateful for them.


Et voilà! I hope it was fun and rewarding. Let me know how you feel!




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