Updated 26/10/2020

Are you familiar with bleeding gums, vision problems, brain fog, food allergies, dizziness, numbness, frequent headaches ? If so, it could be a good idea to check if your body is free from a heavy metals overload.

Studies by the WHO or FAO have highlighted the increasing dangers of massive exposure to toxic agents. Transmitted by air pollution, ground water and soil, food, etc. contamination is becoming increasingly dangerous and unavoidable involving health risks. Toxic metals cause oxidative stress.

In a modern industrialised society, heavy metals are difficult to avoid and we can ingest them through food (even organic), cosmetics, cookware, supplements, pharmaceutical drugs. Vaccines and teeth fillings are also a known source of heavy metals poisoning.

In normal circumstances, the human body is able to get rid of toxic heavy metals in a natural way, but we are not all equal in our detoxifying capacities. Some of us cannot excrete toxins in the same easy way. Those who suffer from kidney dysfunction or digestive dysfunction are more susceptible to heavy metal toxicity.

Science is starting to establish the link between heavy metals and neuromusclular /neurological disorders such as Alzheimers, ADHD, autism, MS, Parkinsons. Heavy metals could also be linked to autoimmune disease, Crohn’s disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Leaky Gut Syndrome and many more health conditions.


The major toxic metals are arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury and aluminum (which is actually a light metal).

How do these metals metals affect the body? An excess of cadmium can affect the kidneys and the liver, while lead and mercury can affect the nervous system.

Lead, mercury and cadmium mimics arthritis.

Aluminum is the third most abundant element on the rigid surface of the earth (8%), after oxygen (42%) and silicon (28%). Aluminum blocks the production of dopamine. Aluminum is found in a very long list of products including toothpaste, baking sheets, sun protection, talc, deodorant, antacids (malox, gaviscon, etc), vaccins (see the list of vaccines that contain aluminum at the end of the post), cans, make up, pans, coffee capsules (like Nespresso), food additive (in cakes, pancakes, processed cheeses, beer, frozen pasta, wine). In your body, aluminum can be present at  30 to 50 mg dose, which is way too much. I may then be 50% in the bones, 25% in the lungs, 20 to 25% in the liver, the rest in the spleen and the central nervous system, in the brain.

Lead is an endocrine disruptor, which means that it can interfere with the endocrine (or hormonal) system and cause cancerous tumours, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Lead is found in cosmetics, cigarettes, tattoo ink, air pollution, old plumbing, terra cotta cookware. It may sound silly, but you could get poisoned by the eye liner and lipstick that you apply day after day on your face. The cumulative effect plays an important role.

Mercury neutralises the antioxidant defines mechanism, it depletes the body of zinc and selenium, it messes up with thyroid function and hormones production. Sources of mercury include fish (tuna ans salmon mainly), dental fillings, hair dyes, fabric softeners…

Arsenic is a component of pesticides, and traces can be found in tea bags, rice, water supply. This is why it is very important to buy organic tea and organic rice, and  why it is important to soak and rince your rice before cooking it, even if it is organic.


Conventional doctors rarely test for heavy metals. A blood test for that is rather expensive, and it shows what travels from A to B, not what is stored in the tissues.

Since I have been practicing,  I have tested all the clients at their first visit, with a simple kinesiology test. It is very efficient at detecting a heavy metals overload and even to understand where it is stored in the body, in what organs. As being free of heavy metals is such a key element in the recovery of optimal health, I have decided to invest in a scanner that detects the exact levels of intoxication. It’s called the Oligoscan, and it is is based on spectrophotometry, a quantitative analytical method of measuring the absorption or the optical density of a chemical present in tissues and bones. The Oligoscan also allows to test the levels of vitamines, trace elements, and oxidative stress, helping to understand what is needed to help recovering.

I have made lots of research to identify the best natural supplements to help the body with detoxification while supporting the excretory organs. I also refer clients to dentists who know how to safely remove dangerous fillings from the teeth without harmful consequences for the body.

Click here to book an OLIGOSCAN check up.

VACCINS that contain aluminum in France Avaxim –  Boostrixtetra / GSK – Cervarix – Encepur – Gardasil 9 – Genhevac  – Havrix – Hbvaxpro  – Hexyon – Hexacima –  Infanrix Tetra –  Infanrix Hexa –  Infanrix Quinta  – Meningitec – Neisvac – Pentavac  – Prevenar 13  – Repevax  – Revaxix –  Tetanos –  Tetravac –  Tyavax – Twinrix – VaqtA.

Source : Professeur Joyeux

Rua de Júlio Dinis 561
Room 505
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E-mail: info@energytherapy.pt

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