Hormonal Imbalance / Hipotiróidismo

« Contactei a Florence especificamente para avaliar e tratar problemas hormonais que estava a enfrentar na altura. Tendo Sindrome de Ovários Poliquisticos diagonosticada e sendo que na altura tinha deixado de tomar a pílula, o meu corpo estava a passar por várias mudanças e havia um claro desiquilibrio que se traduzia principalmente num cansaço elevado, falta de energia, queda de cabelo muito acentuada, crescimento excessivo de pelos em várias partes do corpo e amnorreia. Aliado a isto descobri também que estava a sofrer de hipotiróidismo.

Fizemos várias sessões seguidas, tendo chegado a visitar semanalmente o consultório durante alguns meses.

Foram combinados vários tratamentos para um melhor resultado que não tardou muito a aparecer. Foram feitas sessões de NAET, kinesiologia, naturopatia, aromaterapia, terapia floral e técnicas de libertação emocional.

À medida que os bons resultados foram surgindo e os sintomas mencinados foram desaparecendo avancamos para o tratamento de outro problema com o qual já lidava há muitos anos, alergias/sensibilidades alimentares e nao só que se manifestavam principalmente em problemas de pele com o aparecimento de manchas vermelhas, pele seca e muita comichão e que afectavam outros aspectos da minha saúde os quais até à altura não relacionava. Para resolver estas questões foi usada a técnica de eliminação de alergias, através do qual também fui observando mudanças muito positivas e significativas.

Para o tratamento de todos os problemas o acompanhamento dado pela terapeuta Florence foi sempre extremamente personalizado, encontrando-se sempre disponível para o esclarecimento de dúvidas que iam surgindo quer nas consultas ou depois, o que facilitou muito os processos. É ainda de referir que a terapeuta Florence faz questão de ouvir atentamente o paciente e todas as suas preocupações e fazer todas as perguntas necessárias para chegar ao tratamento adequado e mais confortável para cada caso, sendo que o seu extremo profissionalismo, simpatia e paciência para explicar todos os aspectos relacionados com os problemas e os tratamentos a seguir, são pontos fundamentais para o sucesso que alcancamos. Recomendo vivamente os servicos da terapeuta. »

Joana F, Porto


« I have mast cell disease, Hashimoto, multiple food sensitivities, Ehlers Danlos syndrome, severe gut dysbiosis, SIBO, Candida and Raynaud´s syndrome. Probably also Lyme, toxic mold disease and I don’t know what else.

I was visiting Florence when I was at my worst. I was on three different antidepressants Tramadol and had chronic diarrhea. I was down to 5 foods and still had a histamine reaction at least once a week where I would be up all night on the toilet, which was oftentimes followed by 20 hours of sleep.  We were able to dig me out of this hole and my health is getting better every month. I am constantly reintroducing new foods that I have not been able to eat for years.

Florence is an extremely knowledgable practitioner, both in science and energetic methods. She is also sensitive and it is  extremely obvious that she cares about her patients in a way that I have not experienced it before. I wish I could just write a positive testimonial which stands for itself and her incredible knowledge and skills but I am also contrasting it to the 50+ practitioners, MDs, homeopaths, etc that I visited before I saw her, who could never help me out and mostly handed out « one size fits all programs“. I do not even live in Porto or Portugal but travel here from Berlin, Germany a city of 5 million people without a single practitioner I can trust like I trust Florence.

I specifically had incredible results with kinesiology, she was able to pinpoint exact doses of supplements and particular strains of probiotics which were crucial in my healing journey. I also do a lot of research and would have never tried strains like Lactobacillus acidophilus or Streptococcus Thermophilus which are known to increase histamine and d-lactate -but the that is the beauty of kinesiology your body can tell you exactly what it wants and what will strengthen it. Even the word skills does not do justice to the work and ongoing research she is doing, it feels more like a superpower to me ».

Kyria AS., Berlin

Intolérance au lait

« Cela fait maintenant trois ans que mon fils peut manger des produits contenant du lactose sans être malade. La guérison a été impressionnante et très importante pour lui. Florence Rolando lui a rendu son bonheur qui est de manger, c’est un vrai gourmand. Les personnes qui l’ont vu malade à cause de son intolérance au lactose peuvent témoigner. La méthode Naet fonctionne. Alors aucune hésitation je le recommande à toute les personnes qui souffrent de ça. Un grand grand merci à Energytherapy Florence Rolando. »

Christelle B., Porto

Lyme disease : testing the right supplements

« A couple of months ago I developed a very strange « allergy » that even with the right supplements and help didn’t go away. I was feeling hopeless for not knowing what was going on and also scared to not be able to work in Greece feeling that way. Fortunately we were able to make a quick stop in Porto to visit our friend  Florence Rolando, an Energy Therapist  who already helped me a LOT when I was in treatment for Lyme’s disease.
It took only one session with her to feel better. Through Kinesiology and NAET she found out a lot about my health condition and it’s all beginning to make sense now. The homeopathy, flowers essences and the minerals she gave me, combined with the other supplements I had brought are helping me incredibly. I was able to get up yesterday and today with no allergy crises and had energy to work normally. »

Lele L., Brooklyn