SIBO stands for Small Intestinal Overgrowth, a proliferation of bacteria in the small intestine. Normally, microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds) are concentrated in the colon, where there is a large amount of anaerobic bacteria (living without oxygen). In case of SIBO, an excessive number of these bacteria occupy the small intestine, which normally must contain only a reduced amount of aerobic bacteria (oxygen dependant). You can think about SIBO as a bacterial excess and imbalance.
If you suffer from bloating and gas, it may be that your colon is in a state of dysbiosis (opposite of Eubiosis). In such case, there are too little “friendly bacteria”, and too many of “bad guys”. The good bacteria accomplish many tasks for us, like synthetising vitamines, producing neurotransmitters and maintaining the mucosa. We depend on their presence in sufficient number to thrive. Imbalances in the colon are frequent in our times, as we don’t feed good bacteria with enough fibre and fermented foods, plus we often harm them with antibiotics, process food (artificial sweeteners, food additives), pesticides and other chemicals.

How to Distinguish Colon Dysbiosis and SIBO?

In the case of the latter, symptoms are more important, bloating appears very quickly after the meals, building up during the day, worsening in the evening, causing abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea (or an alternation of the two). If you applies to you, if your belly looks like you are pregnant, if you have reflux, belching, fatigue, it may be that the SIBO could be the cause. Are your digestive problems amplified by the consumption of fibers such as cabbage, beans, chickpeas, garlic, onions ? Does taking probiotics further aggravates your symptoms? If so you would benefit seeing a specialist for a proper evaluation.

Causes of SIBO

There are many possible causes for a SIBO to occur, the main ones being:
  • Taking antacids / proton pump inhibitors (PPI) over a normally planned period (> at 3 weeks).
  • A lack of digestive enzymes / low production of bile / low hydrochloric acid.
  • Hypothyroidism which is the cause of slowing down transit and the decrease in gastric acidity, which in turn promotes bacterial proliferation.
  • Food poisoning, as it can perpetually disrupt the proper functioning of migranting motor complex (CMM, similar to peristalsis, a movement that moves the food bowl in the stomach and intestines).
  • Hormonal disorders (by their link with hypothyroidism).
  • A malfunctioning ileo-caecal valve, which allows the content of the colon to go back up in the small intestine.

How to improve your SIBO symptoms

There are very simple yet very effective things you can do in order to improve your digestion, minimize bloating and gas:
  •  Chewing (in theory until food is reduced to puree before swallowing)
  •  Stress management with Cardiac coherence, meditation, sophrology, yoga, etc.
  •  Intermittent fasting, which allows the food bowl to reach the large intestine while avoiding too much fermentation
  •  Regular physical activity
Chi Nei Tsang Massage is also a good ally to improve digestion. It helps regulate intestinal transit, detoxify the digestive system, liberating stuck emotions.
For significant and durable effects, it is recommended to practice this massage on a regular basis over at least 3 to 5 sessions. Contact me to find out more about this massage.

Your SIBO Expert

SIBO has been familiar to me since the start of my studies twelve years ago, when it was still not very known. Last September I took a SIBO EXPERT course to refresh my knowledge as much has changed in the last decade, with a huge number of studies on the human microbiota and new tests to evaluate the presence of a SIBO.
The Lactulose Respiratory Test, made at home or in a lab,  is a great tool to assess the level of severity of a SIBO and to distinguish between the different types of SIBO. This allows then to chose a more targeted and efficient plan to correct the imbalance. Great progress has also been made to identify the triggers or causes of SIBO, which is useful for treating the person in a more holistic (whole) and sustainable way.
Helping clients with SIBO consists in acting on the main cause(s), temporarily adjusting the diet and taking supplements. Other natural strategies are involved in parallel to allow lasting results. SIBO is complex, healing from it can be long with relapse when the root cause is not addressed.
Do you have a SIBO? What type: SIBO, SIFO, IMO? Will a test help put your finger on the cause of your ailments? Where to do it, how to prepare for it correctly, how to interpret the results?
As a SIBO Expert having already accompanied o fair amount of people to find better intestinal health, I can help you answer these questions.

Rua de Júlio Dinis 561
Room 505
4050-219 Porto

Mobile: 929 148 001

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