I often insist on the fact that we should all, from time to time, do a detox in one form or another. Like our ancestors who were forced by periods of scarcity, or by following religious rites (Lent, Ramadan, etc.).

Toxicity is omnipresent in our days, in water, air, soils, food, the interior of homes, offices and public transport. There are more than a hundred chemical toxins in the umbilical cord of babies, when they just come out of an environment supposed to be free of any type of pollution. Likewise, there are particles of mercury in the adipose tissues of the white bears of the North Pole, which is so far away from civilization.

It is clear that the increase in the toxic/chemical load on the planet has exploded, while our internal filtration/purification systems have not been updated.

There are many forms of detox: monodiet, juicing plans, animal products elimination, intermittent fasting, water fasting, detox with plants, chelation, etc. Whatever the means used, one generally feels a quick increase in vitality and the skin is more bright and vibrant. When the organism has become highly toxic, and that deep detox work is done on the long term, these are the clear signs that the body has found its way back to homeostasis:

Peaceful nights

No longer getting up several times a night to urinate. When the body is in balance, waking up once per night to go to the toilet can be normal, but not more.
No wake up systematically around 3 am with difficulty falling back.
Being able to sleep between 7 and 8 hours in a row at least 4 nights a week.

Mental clarity and motivation

Feeling a veil lifting at the cognitive level, getting out of persistent mental fog, having clear ideas, motivation for daily tasks,  creative inspiration.
“Brain Fog” is a classic symptom of a toxic body, which can come from several origins: intestinal fermentation, flora imbalance with parasites and/or yeasts, deficit in brain blood circulation, etc.
Being more assertive, being able to make choices, establishing healthy limits (knowing how to say no!).

Free nose

No longer having a blocked nose, or a constant post-nasal dripping. Finally being able to go out without taking three packets of Kleenex. No longer sneezing fifty times a day.

Eating without barriers

Being able to eat all foods, including dairy products and gluten (in reasonable quantities), without being immediately sick, without having all the symptoms that return in a blink. How great! And the whole body is better because to be in good shape, we must eat a super varied palette of foods (of good quality, prepared as it should be).

Tolerating the environment

No longer feeling deeply incommoded by odor, especially paint, artificial scents, nail polish, gazoline, etc.
No longer being hypersensitive to light, noise, heat or cold.
Being able to stand moderate exposure to the sun, without quickly triggering allergy, discomfort, redness, etc.
No longer fearing the moment of the full moon, which causes sleep disorders, water retention and other symptoms.


Finding a “normal” libido.

We should all be and feel  like that, all the time, right?

If your nights are agitated, if  you have a feeling of being stuck, blocked in your choices, without enthusiasm; if your nose is constantly dripping, if your body is itchy, you have tinnitus, fluctuating pain, food intolerances, frequent sneeze, multiple chemical sensitivity….it may be time to detox or to seek for help with your health practitioner.

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