Our intestines are a long tube, about 7 meters long, responsible for the majority of water and nutrient absorption. Their role is to sort out what to keep and what to eliminate.

The intestine senses everything, but does not always know how to process what it receives. With its 500 million neurons, it is our second brain, our enteric nervous system. Intrusive thoughts, things that bother us, pass through the intestine. We can feel with our intestine, we sometimes say “I have a gut feeling”.

The intestine-brain exchanges go both ways, and in case of stress, the intestines send signals to the brain which integrates the information and controls the physiological reaction: it sends the message back to the intestine, causing a slowing down of the transit. This slowing down can lead to discomfort, pain and also to an imbalance of the intestinal flora.

Kinesiology can help balance your energies so that your intestine will absorb and eliminate more easily. Whether it is food or emotions, the stimulation of acupuncture points, neuro-lymphatic and neuro-vascular points will help digestion with great efficiency.

Nutritional advice, breathing and relaxation exercises will support this work to release what you no longer need, in order to make room for new thought patterns.

Releasing deep, intense and often old feelings is not a quick fix; it can be done when it is taken care of properly, without rushing things. Kinesiology allows to ask the right questions to create a conversation with the body, and instaure a deep calming sensation. Bringing the body and mind together, getting them to beat to the same rhythm, triggers a great change, in the order of priority requested by the body.

Listen to your body when it whispers, so you don’t have to hear it scream.

Do you feel ready to explore what your body is calling for? Feel free to email me at info@energytherapy.pt.

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