Do you have a morning routine?

Our son usually son wakes me, I have a large pint of water or two,  we have a really lovely cuddle in bed, and I express gratitude for being alive, for my family, friends and more. Then my son, the cats and I head downstairs after I brush my teeth, cleanse and tone my face and apply spf and some perfume and natural deodarant.  I then have a herbal tea or tisane, water with chlorohyll or apple cider vinegar to help my body eliminate waste from all its repair of the night before.  About 30mins after I have my daily treat, a mocha coffee and with it a plant-based protein shake with fruit such as berries, and a purifying vegetable powder and seeds.

What brings you hope in this world?

The beauty and abundance of nature, and the goodness in all beings. I also believe strongly in a Divinely Loving Universe that brought us forth to live happily ever after, and have never had a prayer not answered.

The 3 books that helped you the most, recently?

Ask and It is Given -by Esther Hicks -I have long been a follower of the teachings of Abraham Hicks, and it never occured to me to read the book! It is really the most powerful and practical guide to manifesting our desires, and reinforcing the abundance of the universe in these difficult times. For me in this pandemic, this book has been a warm, fluffy blanket to wrap my heart in.
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Hariri-this book is so intellectually stimulating, I have savoured every word and often stop and reflect/process on paragraphs. The author also has a really elegant, intelligent prose.
When the Body Says No by Gabor Mate – this is a tough read, it challenges our egos and hearts around illness through the stories of others, but it is written with deep compassion by Dr Mate in his observations of common mental patterns in his patients with certain diseases. It really makes the connection between mind and body in healing.

How do you relax and get peace in your heart?

I “follow my bliss” as Hicks would recommend. I immediately look for something that feels good or to appreciate, like my son’s laughter or the softness of our cats fur, or have a relaxing bath. I also love to sit in our garden and admire all the insects and plants whilst soaking up the grounding energy of the earth.

What was the biggest challenge situation you had to deal with in your professional life?

When my son was born I had to return to Banking to pay the bills, I accepted a role in what turned out to be a really unpleasant environment. They accused me of gross misconduct and terminated my employment while I was recovering from surgery and creating evidence by entrapping me. Legal action is ongoing, and what freed me the most, was the courage and tenacity to file legal claims against them.

What ambitions do you still have?

My next dream is to set-up my Kinesiology and Well-being school! I am teaching at the moment and would love to have an integrated school all of my own 🙂 I also would like to finish several books, my first one is on the way!

Something you left behind and never went back to?

Allowing anyone to dominate me. Done with that!

What would be your top tip for a young therapist embarking on the profession?

Practise, practise, practise! Always ask for help, never stop learning and never give up! (I couldn’t give just one! :))

One product, supplement or magic potion that you wouldn’t live without?

Ahhhhh how can it be just one?!?!?!?! I will choose my Wellness Resources B-complex, what it does for my metabolism, stress management and energy is incomparable.

Your favourite quote of the moment?

“You came forth to live happily ever after” By Abraham Hicks

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