I am very pleased to announce a new tool that I have added to my practice. Giving massages has never been on the map for me, but Chi Nei Tsang is directly alined with my holistic approach to health, that focuses on the intestines and digestion. A CNT massage can help ease conditions that we work on at the clinic using dietary advice, supplementation and other modalities.

Chi Nei What?

Chi Nei Tsang literally means “internal organs energy (Qi) transformation.”

But let me explain a bit more. Chi Nei Tsang is an internal organ massage which clears out toxins, blockages, bad emotions and tensions. It brings comfort and relief to the abdomen and vital energy to the internal organs, releasing stress and promoting healing. This Chinese art of massaging the abdomen comes originally from an old Taoist Monastic tradition. It is a return to listening to the nature of the human body.

CNT improves both physical and mental health

If the area of the navel  (called the “Tan Tien” in Chinese medicine) is knotted up, the whole energy of the body is blocked. In the West we call that area the enteric nervous system or second brain and we have come to realise that it is a reservoir for our vital energy.

Chi Nei Tsang works in a deep, gentle manner on the abdominal area, training the internal organs to function more efficiently, in order to promote overall physical and emotional health. CNT is based on the belief that unresolved emotional issues are stored in the digestive system and that a poor emotional detox or digestion capacity is a main contributor to ill health.


“Chi Nei Tsang works to release your abdomen tensions and restrictions from the superficial to the deeper layers in a gentle and nurturing way. Once opened up, with increased movement and circulation, your belly feels more free and at ease.”


What conditions should Chi Nei Tsang be used for?

Chi Nei Tsang improves elimination, stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory systems, strengthens the immune system. People who have regular Chi Nei Tsang sessions report a diminution in pain (back pain, neck pain, menstrual pain, headaches).

At the beginning of my CNT journey, I am mainly focusing on the following:

  • Improving Digestive Function – Chi Nei Tsang is helpful if you have upper digestive problems like stomach pain (gastritis), reflux (GERD), indigestion, bloating and constipation (more to come about these two).
  • Reducing Stress and Anxiety – So much tension is held in the abdomen from the stress of life. When this tension is reduced, the benefits go beyond better organ function with a release of negative emotions stuck in our body. Think of Chi Nei Tsang if you suffer from mood swings, insomnia, night sweats.
  • Improving Reproductive Function – Chi Nei Tsang increases blood circulation and has a positive effect on menstrual pain and cramps . It can release of adherences or visceral restrictions as well as emotions that have been held in for a long time. Think about Chi Nei Tsang if you have fertility issues.


Chi Nei Tsang and Bloating

Bloating can be due to air, water or fat.

If bloating is due to air, it often comes hand-in-hand with gas. Excessive flatulence may indicate a digestive system that is not functioning properly.

If bloating is due to water, it is often hormonal in nature. For many women, water bloats are cyclical – they often happen a few days before menstruations.

If bloating is due to fat, it is caused by dietary excess and a lack of exercise. This is the accumulation of adipose tissue around the tummy and is a sign of insufficient metabolism.

Wheither your bloating is caused by air, water or fat issues, Chi Nei Tsang can help reduce symptoms as massaging the abdomen activates peristalsis (movement of the digestive tract). This contributes to eliminating waste and toxins as well as air. Chi Nei Tsang also helps improve the metabolism of water in your body and improves hormonal function. Additionally CNT helps the breakdown and elimination of fat in the abdomen.


Chi Nei Tsang and Constipation

 Constipation can be due to lack of peristalsis, dehydration, wrong diet, poor digestive function, adherences, but also stuck emotions. Those that we hold on to, things we don’t let go of.

Chi Nei Tsang is a form of colon massage and it releases restrictions in the lower abdomen, especially as the stool transits from the ascending colon to the end of the intestine. Blockages are often located at the sigmoid colon, although the areas of blockage do vary from person to person. The stomach, liver and gallbladder are also places where things can easily get stuck. Alcohol, anger, frustration, gastroparesis and also overeating may compromise the function of these organs. Think about Chi Nei Tsang massage as a way to relax the entire digestive tract.

When there is emotional stress, the entire gut function is compromised, with reduced peristalsis and a transit that takes longer, and fewer bowel movements. Chi Nei Tsang turns on the parasympathetic nervous system, facilitates vagal regulation and relaxes the entire nervous system.

Preparation to receive a Chi Nei Tsang Massage

On the day of your Chi Nei Tsang, I recommend avoiding white flour, sugar, dairy, alcohol, caffeine and fried foods as they may cause abdominal pain, gas and bloating. For the rest eat normally, with an emphasis on vegetables and fruits.  Do not eat an hour before your appointment, but do no restrict your food intake, and don’t fast.

Wear loose, comfortable clothing such as drawstring or yoga pants and a t-shirt. During the massage, gentle strokes are used to palpate the fascia or connective tissue between the organs, muscles and tendons. Because blockages are released you may experience a mild discomfort in some areas, and you can ask for the pressure to be lowered. If the body is very intoxicated, you could feel fatigued and emotionally challenged, you may also cry during or after the massage, but that should not last at all.  

It is important to keep properly hydrated, to continue eating healthy foods and to avoid overeating in the days following your Chi Nei Tsang Massage. Drinking fresh ginger tea will aid in digestion and in case of nausea. An Epsom salt bath will also help the release of remaining toxins. Give your body plenty of gentle care and plenty of rest.


Chi Nei Tsang Restrictions

Avoid Chi Nei Tsang if you are pregnant,  during your periods, if you wear an IUD (intra-uterine device) or a pacemaker, and if you have skin infections or cancer. Too much fat around the belly won’t allow for CNT to be efficient, so your waist circumference should be below 90cm to receive the massage.

Although CNT massage is meant for all ages, I prefer to do it on people age 14+.


How often should I get a Chi Nei Tsang massage?


As a general rule, 1 to 3 sessions are sufficient to resolve acute disorders.
It will rather take 3 to 5 sessions to obtain profound effects in cases where the imbalances are more established.

Booking your Chi Nei Tsang Massage


Contact me to book your Chi Nei Tsang Massage in Porto – This is not with Clinic Alostase but directly with me by email (info@energetherapy.pt) or phone (+351 929 148 001).


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Room 505
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Mobile: 929 148 001
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