Overall health largely depends on good nutrition and digestion. However, it is important to understand that a super healthy diet alone will not do much if the absorption of nutrients does not occur correctly during digestion. Are we really what we eat, or rather what we assimilate?

The body produces more than 3000 different enzymes

Digestion = transformation (reduction), assimilation and elimination.
The transformation of the foods we ingest depends on digestive enzymes, produced naturally by the body (metabolic and digestive enzymes), but these can greatly decrease with age. Their capacity can also dramatically dicrease due to the consumption of processed foods, exposure to physical trauma and chemicals (heavy metals, endocrine disruptors, pesticides, drugs, mould, etc.). This reduced enzyme capacity affects all digestive functions, which can lead to health problems, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, poor assimilation of nutrients and poor elimination.

Digestive enzymes can greatly help and relieve various body ailments.

Focus on digestive enzymes

This short article focuses on digestive enzymes, produced by salivary glands, the stomach, the pancreas, the small intestine. Their function is to ignite, to cause specific chemical reactions, in order to break down food into its simplest form. Metabolic enzymes are also of great interest to our health, but I will come back to this in another blog. As for food enzymes, I often talk about them in my food trainings and in my detox programs. We obtain them from natural sources such as raw and fermented foods which are very present in the diet plans that I create.

In my practice, I often meet people who eat very well, who have a healthy lifestyle, but who do not have the ideal health that should theoretically accompany their good habits. No surprise if I tell you that an enzyme deficiency will contribute to unbalancing the body’s natural mechanisms and homeostasis.
The use of digestive enzymes in the form of supplements is valuable because it will improve digestion, assimilation, transit and intestinal health.

Three categories of digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes are classified into three main categories:

  • Proteases, produced in the stomach and pancreas, break down proteins into amino acids.
  • Amylases, produced in saliva, the pancreas and the small intestine, break down carbohydrates into simple sugars.
  • Lipases, produced in the pancreas and small intestine, break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Fats are vital for health, they promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and are involved in the proper functioning of hormones.

Enzymes, for whom?

Digestive enzymes are particularly useful for people who have digestion and absorption problems (nutritional deficiencies), with constipation or diarrhea, bloating, gas. They also greatly help to maintain good general energy.

If supplements based on digestive enzymes are a solution for digestion problems, it is ideally on a temporary basis. On the long run, the work of a naturopath aims to help the body to regain its functioning capacities by natural means. People with conditions such as SIBO, chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis may be subject to longer-term enzyme intake.

Consequences of poor digestion

In addition to specifically digestive problems, poor digestion can lead to deficiencies (minerals, vitamines, proteins, essential fatty acids), skin problems (acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis), reduced immunity, systemic inflammation, back pain, food intolerances, anxiety, depression, poor sleep and more.

  • Digestive enzymes can help, however I must always stress out the fact that other factors are key for a good digestion:
  • Eating meals in a calm atmosphere
  • Chewing well
  • Stopping snacking between meals
  • Eating a light evening meal for two hours before bedtime

What enzymes to take?

You can try a “generalist” supplement and see how you feel, for example Ergylase from Nutergia. However, I recommend investing in high-quality, targeted formulations, which do not necessarily cost more, especially if their effect goes straight to the point. Make an appointment with me, for support that will meet the needs of your body. I work with test kits including more than 20 enzymes and with the most innovative and efficient laboratories in this field.


Florence Rolando, Energy Therapy Porto – Clinica Alostase +351 934 363 040

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